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Desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma(DIA)およびdesmoplastic infantile gaglioglioma(DIG)は,1984年にTaratutoら17)によって最初に報告された乳幼児期に発生する腫瘍である.前者では膠細胞と間葉系の二相性組織像,後者ではそれに加えて神経細胞への分化をもつ稀な腫瘍である.両者は臨床像,予後に差がないため同様に扱われている.発症年齢は大多数が2歳以下であり,ほとんどの例で大きな囊胞を伴っており,実質部が硬膜に付着する特徴的な形態を示すため,術前診断も困難ではない.
Desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma/ganglioglioma (DIA/DIG) is a rare tumor that is usually located superficially with a large cystic component. Gross total removal results in long-term survival in the majority of cases. In rare cases, postoperative regression of the residual tumor has been reported. We report another case of postoperative regression of DIA. A 3-month-old boy presented with increasing head circumference and developmental delay. A CT scan showed a large cystic tumor in his left parieto-occipital lobe. He underwent partial removal. The histopathological examination revealed an astrocytic tumor with marked desmoplasia. In the central portion of the tumor, anaplastic features, such as necrosis, mitosis, and high nucleus-cytoplasmic ratio, were noticed. Diagnosis was DIA. Six months later when he was admitted for the second-stage surgery, MRI showed regression of the tumor. The operation was therefore postponed and MRI at 12 months after surgery revealed further regression. This is the fifth case of postoperative or spontaneous regression of DIA/DIG.

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