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CT上大脳基底核などに脳脊髄液と同等の脳内低吸収域をみたとき,その病変が過去の脳出血か脳梗塞か迷うことがしばしばある.この鑑別は慢性期の治療にも重要なことと考えられるが,通常のMRI撮影条件でも鑑別が困難な場合がある.MRIでは,赤血球内のヘモグロビン鉄の変化によって血腫の信号強度は経時的に変化する2-4,15).ヘモグロビン鉄は,最終的にマクロファージ内のヘモジデリンとなり,この検出にはgradient-echo T2*強調MRIが最も優れた方法の1つである1-5,7,15).
Background and Purpose Hemosiderin degenerated from intracerebral hematoma (ICH) can be visualized as low intensity on gradient-echo T2*-weighted (T2*-w) MRI,which is sensitive for hemosiderin. We studied the factors associated with the hemosiderin deposition on T2*-w MRI after ICH.
Methods We analyzed T2*-w MRIs in 72 outpatients with past ICH (46 males,26 females,28 - 89 (60.0±9.8) years old) consecutively came to our hospital. The odds ratio (OR) for the apparent thickness ≧2.5 mm of low intensity surrounding ICH cavity was estimated,using the time after the onset of ICH (17 weeks - 26 years),and other factors.
Results All of old ICHs were visible as low intensities on T2*-w MRI. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that an elevated ratio of the apparent thickness ≧2.5 mm of hemosiderin was found for the patients with time ≧5 years between T2*-w MRI and the onset (odds ratio (OR): 0.24,95% confidence interval (CI): 0.06-0.99),intraventricular or subarachnoid hemorrhage related to ICH (OR: 0.16,95% CI: 0.03 - 0.77),and the diameter of ICH ≧2cm (OR: 33.7,95% CI: 4.6 - 245).
Conclusion Though small sample size limited the power of analyses,our findings suggest that the amount of hemosiderin deposition after ICH may be associated with the time after the onset,intraventricular or subarachnoid hemorrhage related to ICH,and the diameter of ICH.

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