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1. The analysis of amino acids in the protein-free extracts of the human brain has been carriedout by means of ion exchange chromatography.
2. The various areas of brains were obtainedfrom the individual dying of accident, from fetuseson the fifth and eighth gravid months.
3. In general the distribution pattern of thefree amino acids in the various areas of the humanbrains resembled that in clog. Gaba was detectedin a large amount in the globus pallidus and thehypothalamus.
4. We found marked variations of the cystathionine contents in the brains of different individuals.
5. The quantities of free amino acids in thefetal brains differ significantly from those in themature human brain. Taurine and phosphoethanolamine were detected in a larger amount andglutamic acid, aspartic acid, Gaba and N-acetyl-aspartic acid were detected in smaller amounts.

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