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Effect of vitamin B6 on the nervous system inexperimental animals have been interesting in relation to study of epilepsy, involving in pig ataxiaand "spontaneous" convulsion. The convulsionin mouse has been further investigated by inducing the convulsion by injecting vitamin B6-antagonists or inhibitors, such as toxopyrimidine, desoxypyridoxine, INAH, penicillamine, etc. Andthe convulsion was found to protect by injectingvitamine B6.
One of the glutamic acid metabolism requiringfor vitamin B6 is the decarboxylation of the acid, which in brain was depressed some 40~50% inconvulsion by injection of B6-antagonists but recovered with administered vitamin B6. The otherreaction, the transamination with oxaloacetateyielding aspartate and α-ketoglutalate in brainwas depressed only 5-10%.
γ-Aminobutyric acid is the product of decarboxylation of glutamic acid, and γ-amino-β-oxybutyric acid is the product of oxidation ofγ-aminobutyric acid. Accordingly the convulsionby B6-antagonists may be due to the decrease of γ-aminobutyric acid or γ-amino-β-oxybutyric acid. In this view it is understandable that attemptsshould have been made to influence experimentalconvulsion by administering these two acids. However these acids do not antagonize to theconvulsion by B6-antagonists in mouse or dogs, and this may he clue either to a difference inthe species of decarboxylation reaction, for example decarboxylation of other amino acid, or todifference in the behaviour of the γ-aminobutyricacid and γ-amino-β-oxybutyric acid injected fromthat in brain.

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