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In a patient, 37 year-old, male, right hemiparesis and aphasias were firstly noted. Subsequently he developed in him tetraplegia, contracture of joints, dementia, severa convulsions and episodic disturbed consciousness. He finally emaciated and expired. The total duration of illness was 3 years and 2 months.
The postmortem examinations revealed slight fib-. rosis of the atrophic liver, atrophy of the spleen and a small ulcer of the descending colon. In the brain, irregularly-shaped, ulegyric softenings of the cortices and diffuse subcortical demyelination with a slight to moderate organizations-process were widespread and symmetrical bilaterally in the tem-poral lobes, except for the Ammon's horn and the hippocampal gyrus; severest in the left calcarine region; moderately in the inferior frontal gyrus. Both meningeal and intracerebral arteries and ar-terioles corresponding to the deteriorated regions showed the arteriosclerotic changes, such as fibro-hyalinously-degenerated vessel walls and intimal proliferation. Astrocytic nuclei, on the other hand, developed a transitional feature to Alzheimer's type-II glia and contained carmine-positive granules which were also disseminated in the periadventitial spaces, parenchyma, and cytoplasm and nuclei of the nerve cells. The above-mentioned findings we-re ubiquitously distributed in the grey matters.
A question as to whether the present example could be belonged to the category of the "pseudo-ulegyric type" of the hepatocerebral disease or the cerebral arteriosclerosis has been discussed. Con-sequently it may be assumed that the fundamental process of the present case com.prized the organic cerebrovascular lesions in association with the cer-tain hepatogenic factors.

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