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Studies on Human Cerebral Vascular Architecture (Both Arteries and Veins) by Salt X-Ray Takeo Yamamura 1 , Takao Kawauchi 1 1Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Keio University pp.77-91
Published Date 1965/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431904155
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1. The studies on the human cerebral vascular architecture including both veins and arteries were made. The material was obtained from the autopsy cases with the injection of barium sulfate suspension with 2-10% gelatine through the bilateral A. carotis communis or the bilateral V. Jugularis interna. The brain Was fixed in 10% formal solution and cut with coronal, sagital or transverse sections with thickness of 0.5-3.0 cm. Then these sections were photographed by a soft X-ray apparatus (EM Type, Nippon Softex Co., LTD.).

2. Thi, studies on distributions of the cerebral arteries showed similar findings to that of Itabashi's description (Tokyo journal of medical science, 42(6): 1218-1304, 1928).

3. However, in the venous system, there were found veins which have been previously misdescribed or previously not been described. They are as follows;

 1) The previously listed in the literatures V. hippocampica anterior and posterior were not, distributed in the Pes hippocampi. The veins in the Pes hippocampi arize from the surface of the Pes hippocampi, run between the Fimbria hippocampi and the Cyrus dentatus and join the vein from the Sulcus hippocampi which collects the veins from the central parts of the Pes hippocampi. The veins from the anterior parts of the Pes hippocampi run anteriorily and empty into the V. basalis; on the contrary, the veins from. the posterior Parts of the Pes hippocampi run posteriorily and empty into the V. calcarina. The former is named "V. hippocampica anterior" and the latter "V. hippocampica posterior".

 2) The V. calcarina has two types. The one is that the veins distributed in the Cornu posterius of the Ventriculus lateralis empties into the V. cerebri intermit and the other is that the veins chiefly from the internal wall of the Cornu posterius empty into the V. cerebri interna and the veins mainly from the external wall of the cornu posterius as well as most parts of the wall of the Cornu inferius without the Pes hippocampi run anteriorily along the superior internal wall of the Cornu inferius and empty into the V. basalis.

 3) The veins arizing from large posterior parts of the Nucleus lateralis thalami and of the Nucleus medialis thalami empty into the V. basalis and the V. calcarina and they are named "Vv. thalamicae posteriores laterales".

 4) The veins from upper parts of the Nucleus anterior thalami and of the Nucleus lateralis thalami empty into the V. chorioidea superior and they are named "Vv. thalamicae dorsales laterales".

 5) The veins from an upper part of the Nucleus medialis thalami, a part of the Nucleus anterior thalami and an upper area of the Ventriculus tertius empty into the V. cerebri interna which are named "Vv. thalamicae dorsales mediales".

 6) The veins from posterior parts of the Putamen, of the Globus pallidus and of the Crus posterius of the Capsula irterna, the Radiatio acustica and Rail optica run posteriority and empty into the V. calcarina. They are named "Vv. corporis striati posteriores".

 7) The veins in the Claustrum consists of the Vv. corporis striati superiores and inferiores. Vv. medullares and Vv. subcorticales.

4. The presence of the l Aa. and Vv. corticales, Aa. and Vv. subcorticales and the Aa. and Vv. medullares were reassured (Takeo Yamamura, M. D., Keio Journal of Medicine, 10 (3), September 127-152, 1961).

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


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