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先天性脳腫瘍について書くようにとのことであるが,先天性脳腫瘍とはどこまでのものをいうのであろうか。出生時すでにgliomaを持つて生れてくる例ももるのでgliomaもその範疇に入れなければならないのであろうか,胚芽迷入説をとればたいていの腫瘍は,先天性腫瘍となつてしまうわけである。そこでいろいろ調べてみたところZimmerman1)等がcongenital tumorsとしてつぎのように分類していることを知つたのでそれにしたがつて自験例を中心に述べていくことにした。なお,craniopharyngiomaにしろteratoma,pinealoma,dermoid,cholesteatomaにしろ諸外国の統計に比して,本邦では遙かに多発しており12),congenital tumorが多いことは本邦脳腫瘍の特長といつてもよいと考える。
In reference to the classification proposed by zimmerman, congenital brain tumors experienced in our clinic were herein presented with the discussion about evolution, frequency, distribution of sex and age, symptomes and signs, findings of auxiliary and laboratory studies, methods of operation, postoperative management and prognosis.
It seems to be characteristic in Japan that such tumors like craniopharyngioma, pinealoma, dermoid and cholesteatoma are higher in frequency than the reports from abroad.
Especially this paper discussed concerning the surgical treatment of pinealoma and craniopharyngioma in detail. Excellent results were gained in operation against them with application of hypothermia, continuous ventricular drainage and cortison. In 17 caees of totally or subtotally extirpated pinealoma, only two cases were died during hospitalization and four cases of craniopharyngioma were operated with successful total removal.

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