

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The relationship between vascular lesions of brain and blood platelets; 1-st Report, distribution of blood platelets in rabbit's body. Masateru Toyoda 1 , Kyoichi Yuasa 1 , Kikuyo Ozumi 1 , Atushi Oshita 1 , Shigeo Kikuchi 1 , Yasuhiro Uchiyama 1 , Humio Mitsui 1 , Tatsuo Shirai 1 1The 1-st Medical Clinic, School of Medicine, Toho University. pp.647-656
Published Date 1959/4/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431901700
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The authors thought that blood platelets playedan important parts to the lesions of small vessels, so, as first step of this study, we have been studing on the distribution of P32 tagged plateletsin rabbit's bodies.

Experimental results were as followings;

1) P32 tagged blood platelets injected intravenously into normal rabbit's bodies distributed chieflyin heart, liver, lung, kidney and spleen, but scarecely in central nervous system and muscle. And then, P32 tagged blood platelets were destructed in spleen between 2 to 12 hours after theinjection.

2) P32 tagged blood platelets injecte'd intravenously into the rabbits which removed 20 to 30cc ofblood, distributed comparatively larger in centralnervous system than normal one, that is, cerebrum, cerebellum and caudate nucleus etc., after2 hours of the injection.

3) P32 tagged blood platelets injected intravenously into the rabbits which were induced the generalized Shwartzman's phenomenon, distributedmore vastly and excellently in various organsand tissues than normal group. Moreover, theinjected platelets were destructed in peripheralvessels of various organs and tissues includingspleen, and the destruction's process was markdly in hemorrhagic fields.

4) When local Shwartzman's phenomenon wasinduced in central nervous system, P32 taggedblood platelets were chiefly accumulated in thisfield after 2 hours of the injection of those platelets.

5) Moreover, the authors discussed the relationship between Shwartzman's phenomenon and serotonin in blood platelets about the lesions ofsmall vessels in central nervous system.

Copyright © 1959, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


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