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最近の急速な医療技術の進歩と各臓器のsupportive therapyの進歩により,重篤な各種の疾患患者が少なからず救命され,社会復帰するようになった。しかしその反面,有意な日常生活まで復帰できないまま寝たきりとなる重症患者や,遷延性意識障害すなわち植物状態患者7,8),さらに脳死患者が急増し,医学的および社会的に大きな問題となっている8,9,23)。これら重症患者が遷延性意識障害や脳死状態に至る原因としては,大きく一次性脳障害と二次性脳障害に分けられている15)。一次性脳障害とは脳腫瘍,脳血管障害,頭部外傷,頭蓋内の感染性疾患,脳の代謝性疾患など,脳障害の原因が脳自体に存在するものである。二次性脳障害とは脳の二次的な低酸素血症などが原因となっているもので,たとえば,心筋梗塞や窒息などが原因で心肺機能の停止した患者が,心肺蘇生には成功したものの,二次的な脳虚血や低酸素血症によって高度の意識障害あるいは脳死状態に陥る症例がその代表例とされる。
Intracranial pressure (ICP) and Cerebral blood flow of fifty-five patients meeting with the criteria of brain death were measured. The ICP was measured by the subarachnoid catheter method. Cerebral blood flows were detected by the techniques of conventional cerebral angiography, transcranial doppler (TCD) and endocrinological procedure.
The ICP was increasing to the level of mean arterial pressure in all of the cases which were monitoring the ICP. In 13 cases carried out the cerebral angiography, all of the cases showing the non-filling phenomenon. However, cerebral blood flows of middle cerebral artery or ophthalmic artery were detected by TCD in 3 cases who were demonstrated non-filling on conventional angiography. Serum hypothalamic and pituitary hormones were inconsistently high based on half life time for presumed absence of cerebral blood flow on angiography. The responses to their releasing hormones were normal in sixteen patients. In the microscopic appearance of hypothalamus and anterior pituitary lobe by the post mortum examination, normal structure and cells were intermingled with lytic changes and necrosis.
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