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Infectious prion disease:Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with cadaveric dura mater grafts and variant CJD Takeshi Sato 1 , Hidehiro Mizusawa 2 , Nobuyuki Sodeyama 2 , Masayuki Masuda 3 , Yoshiyuki Kuroiwa 4 , Hiroyuki Toda 4 , Masahito Yamada 5 , Shigetoshi Kuroda 6 , Tetsuyuki Kitamoto 7 1Department of Neurology, Higashiya-mato Hospital 2De-partment of Neurology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University School 3Department of 3rd Internal Medi-cine, Tokyo Medical University 4Department of Neurology, Yokohama City University School of Medicine 5Department of Neurology, Kanazawa Uni-versity School of Medicine 6Department of Psychiatry, University of Okayama School of Medicine 7Department of Neurological Science, Tohoku University School of Medicine Keyword: クロイツフェルト・ヤコブ病 , 硬膜 , 変異型CJD , プリオン pp.100-108
Published Date 2003/2/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431100287
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 1)The nationwide survey documented 91 patients with CJD who had received cadaveric dura mater grafts during the period between January 1979 and September 1991. At least 82 patients received the same brand of dura mater from the same processor. About 10%of patients showed slowly progressive clinical course and neuropathological examination revealed florid plaques in the cerebrum and cerebellum.

 2)Among prion disease a variant of CJD(vCJD)has been described in the United Kingdom and subsequently in France. In Japan, 9 referred cases informed as possible vCJD or juvenile CJD. One juvenile CJD remains as probable thalamic form, 2 remain probable juvenile CJD, 2 are diagnosed as juvenile frontal dementia, 3 have alternative diagnosis clinically as malignant syndrome, brain-stem encephalitis and epilepsy.

Copyright © 2003, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


