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Garcinら(1963)により最初に報告された視覚性運動失調(ataxie optique)について,(1)古典的な視覚情報と運動プログラムの離断説,(2)最近の認知神経心理学的研究,(3)本邦における研究を概観し,あわせて自験例を呈示し,症候の発現機序について考察した。古典的な離断説では,周辺視野における到達運動障害であるataxie optique,および中心視野における到達運動障害であるoptische Ataxie(Bálint症候群の一症状)の発現機序の相違を,厳密に説明することが困難であった。これに対し,最近の認知心理学的研究および本邦における研究では,網膜からの視覚情報と,眼球位置に関する網膜外からの視覚情報とが,異なる経路によって伝達されると考えることにより,両者を発現機序の面からも異なる症候として捉え得ることが示された。
We carried out a historical review of“ataxie optique”(de Garcin).“Ataxie optique”is an inability to reach and grasp objects presented in the peripheral visual field.“Optische Ataxie”is one of the symptoms of Bálint syndrome, and an inability to reach and grasp objects in the central visual field. The difference between“ataxie optique”and“optische Ataxie”has not been demonstrated clearly by the visual-motor disconnection theory. However, this might be due to different visual pathways from retinal and extra-retinal visual information, the latter concerns the position of the eyes in the head. Such a mechanism has been suggested by Hirayama et al(Japanese neurologists).
Recently, another approach from the cognitive neuropsychological standpoints gave an explanation of the problem mentioned above. In this approach, images on the retina are transcoded into several frames of reference in order to be available for the motor apparatus for reaching and grasping. Patients presenting with“ataxie optique”use“ocular-centered frames of reference”to reach and grasp objects in the central visual field. This explanation shares common standpoints with the mechanism suggested by Hirayama et al.
We also described a case of“ataxie optique”following left parietal lobe lesion, which we experienced. In this case, we observed“ataxie optique”of the right hand in the right visual field and bilateral crossed“ataxie optique”. The mechanism of“ataxie optique”in the presented case does not contradict the model proposed by Hirayama et al.

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