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PET検査の情報を,DICOM dataとして様々なソフトウェアーを用いて解析し,より正確な焦点診断と,より正確なてんかん外科手術の構築をめざした。核種はF-18 fluorodeoxyglucose(FDG)-PETと中枢性ベンゾジアゼピン受容体拮抗薬の11C-flumazenil(FMZ)-PETを用いた。焦点の解剖学的位置関係を明瞭にするために,MRIとの重ね合わせ画像を作成し,さらに正常被験者と比較したSPM解析を行い,客観的で他者にも再現性のある焦点診断を行った。PETとMRIの重ね合わせ画像をナビゲーションシステムに転送し,皮質脳波異常出現部位とPET異常部位を,術中にリアルタイムにモニターすることで,より正確なてんかん外科手術を試みた。FDG-PET,FMZ-PETに対する新しい解析法の導入および術中ナビゲーションへの応用は,てんかん外科治療における重要な手段であると考えられた。
In order to achieve precise focus detection and perform precise epilepsy surgery, we introduced several software applications for the analysis of positron emission tomography(PET)data in conjunction with the digital imaging and communication in medicine(DICOM)system. As PET tracers we used F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose(FDG)and 11C-flumazenil(FMZ), a central benzodiazepine receptor antagonist. FDG-PET and FMZ-PET images were co-registered with MRI images using Dr. View image analysis software(Asahi Kasei Joho, Tokyo, Japan)on a personal computer. Statistical parametric mappings(SPM)of FDG-PET and FMZ-PET were generated using SPM99 for comparison with normal subjects. These methods offer objective and reproducible PET findings in detecting epileptic foci. We also performed intraoperative PET-guided epilepsy surgery using Stealth Station(MACH 4.0)for precise focus resection. This system enables the detection of epileptogenic areas by both electrocorticography and PET images during surgery. We think that these new diagnostic methods for analysis of FDG-and FMZ-PET and the new intraoperative navigation system guided by the PET images will play an important role in epilepsy surgery.

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