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『そして誰もいなくなった』と『忘られぬ死』では各2人がシアン化合物で殺される。この毒は無味,無臭だが強アルカリ性で,経口摂取では消化管に強い刺激がある。胃液の塩酸と反応してシアン化水素ガスになり,吸収されてミトコンドリアの電子伝達系を阻害し,アデノシン三リン酸(adenosine triphosphate:ATP)産生を止める。そのためATP消費量が多い中枢神経系が最初に障害を受け,めまい,意識障害,昏睡,痙攣などが起こる。経口致死量は300mg程度である。
And Then There Were None and Sparkling Cyanide, two of Agatha Christie's famous novels describe potassium cyanide-induced deaths. Cyanide, a tasteless, odorless, strongly alkaline poison is a powerful gastrointestinal irritant, following oral ingestion. It reacts with hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice to produce hydrogen cyanide gas, which is absorbed and inhibits the mitochondrial electron transfer system and consequently suppresses adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. Therefore, the central nervous system, which consumes a large amount of ATP, is first affected and symptoms of poisoning manifest as dizziness, disorientation, coma, and convulsions. The orally lethal dose is approximately 300 mg.

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