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マイクロサテライト・リピート伸長を原因とする常染色体優性遺伝性脊髄小脳変性症のうち,非翻訳リピート伸長病においては,RNA gain-of-functionに加えてRAN translationと呼ばれる新たな分子機構が明らかにされているが,これまで蛋白レベルの病態が主と考えられてきたポリグルタミン病においてもRNAレベルの病態やRAN translationの関与が明らかにされており,翻訳領域・非翻訳領域いずれのリピート伸長病においても共通する分子機構の存在が示唆されている。
Among various dominantly inherited spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs), it is revealed that the molecular mechanism of so called “non-coding microsatellite repeat expansion disorders” was involved in RNA gain-of-function as well as “RAN translation”. Recently, the “polyglutamine disorders” caused by the coding CAG repeat expansions were also clarified that they were involved in RNA mechanism or RAN translation. The common molecular mechanism might exist between SCAs of which the repeat expansions were located in both coding and non-coding regions.

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