

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


DIAN/DIAN-J/DIAN-TU Hiroyuki Shimada 1 , Mikio Shoji 2 , Takeshi Ikeuchi 3 , Kazushi Suzuki 4 , Michio Senda 5 , Kenji Ishii 6 , Hiroshi Matsuda 7 , Atsushi Iwata 4 , Ryoko Ihara 4 , Takeshi Iwatsubo 4 , Kaori Mutoh 4 , Eisuke Nakazawa 4 , Yoshiki Sekijima 8 , Etsuro Mori 9 , Manabu Ikeda 9 , Masaki Ikeda 10 , Shinobu Kawakatsu 11 , Aki Nakanishi 12 , Mamoru Hashimoto 13 , Akihiko Nunomura 14 , Etsuro Matsubara 15 , Mitsuru Fukui 16 , Tomoyo Shirato 2 , Kaori Hirai 3 , Masako Sakamoto 16 , Hisako Fujii 16 , Hiroshi Mori 16 1Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, Clinical Research Center for Dementia 2Hirosaki University 3Niigata University 4The University of Tokyo Hospital 5Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation 6Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology 7National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry 8Shinshu University 9Osaka University 10Gunma University 11Fukushima Medical University 12Osaka Municipal Kosaiin Hospital 13Kumamoto University 14University of Yamanashi 15Oita University 16Osaka City University Keyword: アルツハイマー病 , DIAN , DIAN-J , DIAN-TU , Alzheimer's disease , DIAN , DIAN-J , DIAN-TU pp.701-709
Published Date 2017/7/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1416200811
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The Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer's Network (DIAN) observational study compared pathophysiological markers between mutation carriers and non-carriers in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. This study revealed that changes in the biomarkers in the mutation carrier's brain start as early as 20 or even 25 years prior to the onset of symptoms. Doctors of the DIAN-Japan team have successfully implemented the DIAN study in Japan (DIAN-J) with effort and enthusiasm. The DIAN-J study is completely compatible with the DIAN study. All members of the DIAN-J team were certified by the NIH and Washington University. The DIAN researchers started a prevention trial (DIAN-TU) testing two monoclonal antibodies in 2013. Together with the DIAN global members including the Japanese team, they will start the new DIAN-TU NexGen Trial testing a BACE inhibitor in 2017. The API study is another clinical trial of anti-amyloid monoclonal antibody therapy for family members of patients with early-onset familial AD who carry the PSEN1 E280A mutation. This study has shown the same biomarker changes that were reported in the DIAN study.

Copyright © 2017, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1344-8129 印刷版ISSN 1881-6096 医学書院


