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近年,アルツハイマー病(Alzheimer disease:AD)と血管性認知症(vascular dementia:VaD)の合併が高率であることが指摘されている。両疾患の合併は「混合型認知症」と呼称されるが,その用法には2通りがある。狭義にはアルツハイマー病と血管性認知症の合併を指すが,広義には認知症をきたす複数の病態が併存する状態を意味する。一般的には,両疾患を合わせて認知症の原因の8割に達すること,両疾患の合併が偶然の期待値よりも高いことからアルツハイマー病と血管性認知症の合併したものを指すことが多い。
表題の血管性認知障害(vascular cognitive impairment:VCI)は,Hachinskiら2)が血管性認知症とアルツハイマー病を峻別することが実際上困難である点に鑑みて提唱した。純粋な血管性認知症を中心として,混合型認知症,脳卒中後認知症,脳血管病変による認知機能障害はあるが認知症には至っていない状態(血管性軽度認知障害vascular mild cognitive impairment:v-MCI)を包含する概念として理解される。ただし,VCIはVCI-ND(no dementia),すなわち血管性軽度認知障害と同義として用いられる場合がある点に注意が必要である。
Vascular cognitive impairment comprises a spectrum ranging from the prodromal stage of vascular mild cognitive impairment (v-MCI) to full-brown vascular dementia with a varying degree of Alzheimer's pathology and vascular comorbidity. In this review, we discuss the relationships of hypertensive small vessel disease (HSVD) and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), which are the representative types of subcortical and cortical small vessel diseases, respectively.
HSVD predominantly affects the penetrating artery territories, and CAA is located at the cerebral cortices admixed with senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. The former causes lacunar infarcts and white matter lesions, whereas the latter results in subcortical hemorrhage and white matter lesions. Recent development in magnetic resonance imaging has enabled differentiation of CAA-related micro-lesions including lobar cerebral microbleeds, cortical subarachnoid hemorrhage, and cortical microinfarcts. Both HSVD and CAA are differentially located in the brain, but patients with higher degree of CAA are predisposed to have more severe HSVD. Therefore, it is likely that these diseases progress in concert with each other with advancing age. The interaction between HSVD and CAA may explain the pathophysiology of VCI and but further investigations are required to understand this.

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