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今世紀に入って現在までの10年ほどの間に多チャンネルの近赤外分光法(near-infrared spectroscopy:NIRS)は,高次脳機能研究においてその特徴を活かした新しい研究を展開してきた。その内容は認知神経科学をはじめとして脳神経医学,精神医学,リハビリテーション医学,薬理学と多岐にわたる。本稿ではそれらNIRSの特性を活用した研究の潮流,それらの新しい研究が提供してきた知見,臨床における活用法について概説する。研究の中で浮かび上がってきた問題,今後取り組むべき課題についても適宜触れる。
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a noninvasive neuroimaging tool that can measure local hemodynamic changes in the brain. Over the past decade, the technical advantage offered by multichannel NIRS has provided various new findings on higher cerebral function of the human brain. These findings have improved our knowledge of cognitive neuroscience, neurology, psychiatric medicine, rehabilitation medicine, and pharmacology. The present review illustrates such new findings and introduces a general trend of studies with NIRS and its clinical applications. In particular, new findings on early brain development and the organization of connectivity associated with language acquisition in the first year of life have been highlighted. Finally, some issues and concerns mostly stemming from the technical limitations of NIRS have been pointed out and discussed in view of current progress, so that future NIRS studies are more fruitful and reliable.

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