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多発性硬化症(multiple sclerosis:MS)の再発予防薬として,本邦ではinterferon beta(IFNβ)製剤のみが保険認可されている。しかし,IFNβ治療抵抗性の重症型MSが存在し,また,MSとの異同が問題となるneuromyelitis optica(NMO)ではIFNβの有効性が疑問視され,ステロイド剤が十分効果を示さない症例が存在する1)。
Mitoxantrone(MITOX,Novantrone(R))はanthracycline系抗癌剤として開発され,本邦では急性白血病や悪性リンパ腫,乳癌,肝細胞癌に保険認可されている。しかし,実験的自己免疫性脳脊髄炎(experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis:EAE)に対する臨床前試験2),さらにMSに対する臨床試験を経て3),2000年10月,米国医薬品局は既存の治療が有効でない再発寛解型(relapsing remitting:RR)MS,二次進行型(secondary progressive:SP)MSへのMITOXの使用を認可した4)。今や欧米では,IFNβやglatiramer acetate(GA)など疾患修飾薬の効果がないRRMSやSPMSに積極的に使用されている。
Mitoxantrone was originally developed as an antineoplastic agent. However, it is currently used as an immunosuppressant in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). A series of European studies over a 10-year period have revealed the clinical benefits and tolerability of mitoxantrone.
On the basis of the favorable findings reported by the above mentioned studies, the FDA approved the use of mitoxantrone for reducing neurologic disability and/or the frequency of clinical relapses in patients with secondary progressive MS, progressive relapsing MS, or worsening relapsing-remitting MS but not for treating patients with primary progressive MS.
The therapeutic modalities available in Japan are very limited. Interferon beta (IFN-beta), which is an immunomodulatory drug, is the only drug approved in Japan for treating MS; however, it is only partially effective or rather ineffective for treating patients with rapidly worsening or fulminant MS. Our pilot studies confirmed the benefits of mitoxantrone in Japanese patients with MS, and in this study, we review its potential appliciation for the treatment of MS by Japanese neurologists.
(Received: July 18,2008,Accepted: December 11,2008)

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