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ヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV)の感染分布を見るため,尖形コンジローマ症例を中心に各種尿路生殖器臨床検体をDot Blot法により検討した.組織検体では,尖形コンジローマ,Bowenoid papulosisの90%以上でHPV陽性を示したが,膀胱癌,前立腺癌は全例陰性であった.罹患部擦過スワブでも十分な細胞数が採取でき,尖形コンジローマ,Bowenoid papulosisの80%以上でHPV陽性を示した.視診上陰茎は一見正常と見られた症例でも5%でHPV陽性を示し,不顕性感染の存在が疑われた.尿道スワブ,肛門周囲スワブ,精液の検体では全例陰性であり,HPVは病変部位を除いては必ずしも広範囲には,Dot Blot法の検出によれば分布していないと考えられた.
107 patients with condyloma accuminatum or other sexually transmitted diseases (STD) were examined by Dot Blot method to observe the incidence of human papilloma virus (HPV) in genitourinary materials. The objects examined were : 1) a resected specimen, 2) a penile swab, 3) a urethral swab, 4) a swab taken from the perianal area, 5) semen, 6) a cervical swab. The results revealed that more than 90 percent of the resected specimen from condyloma accuminatum and Bowenoid papulosis were positive for HPV, but the tissue material obtained from both carcinomas of the urinary bladder and the prostate were all negative.

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