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近年,形成外科技術の進歩により,癌の根治的手術などに伴う広範囲の皮膚欠損を十分に補えるようになつてきた。泌尿器科領域においては,外陰部の悪性腫瘍,特に陰茎癌の広汎切除術後の皮膚欠損に対して,形成外科的技術の応用が重要なものとなつている。今回,われわれは進行性陰茎癌の手術に伴う広汎な皮膚欠損をきたした症例に対して,大腿筋膜張筋皮弁(Tensor Fascia LataMyocutaneous Flap)を用いて皮膚欠損部の再建を行い良好な結果を得ているので報告する。
In the present study, extensive skin defects accompanying surgery for advanced penile cancer were treated by reconstruction of the groin and perineum using Tensor Fascia Lata Myocutaneous Flap, and favourable results were obtained.
The subjects were two patients aged 77 (patient 1) and 59 (patient 2) years, with penile cancer classified into squamous cell carcinoma (T 4, No, Mo). Reconstruction was carried out on regions of skin defect which occurred after radical penectomy using Tensor Fascia Lata Myocutaneous flap.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.