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後部尿道狭窄に対する手術療法としては皮膚弁を用いて欠損尿道を補充する方法が推奨され,本邦においても多くの成功例が報告されている1〜3)。しかし,本法施行例に対する長期follow upに関する発表は少ないようである4)。今回,われわれは陰嚢皮膚弁を利用した尿道形成術後12年目に生じた,結石を伴う尿道憩室の1例を経験したので,皮膚弁利用の尿道形成術後の晩期後遺症・合併症について若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
A 66-year-old man was admitted with a chief complaint of dysuria. Retrograde urethrogram showed a diverticulum with a stone in posterior urethra. Urethral diverticulectomy and urethrolithotomy were performed under spinal anesthesia. The stone was formed with nuclei of a hair ball which grew in the reconstructed urethra using patient's scrotal skin.
It was thought that the urethral diverticulum and the stone formation developed as a late compli-cation of the scrotal or perineal skin flap urethroplasty, therefore the patient who had skin flap urethro-plasty should be carefully observed in the future.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.