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またMMCを他の薬剤と一緒に膀胱内注入することにより,効果をより強くしようとする試みも広く行なわれている。われわれはCytosine Ara-binosideおよびpolymixin B(以下PBと略記)をMMCと併用した際のMMCの血清内移行が,単独投与の時と同じか,あるいは増減があるかを検討し,それにより,この併用療法が意味があるか否かを考察した。
1. When Mitomycin C (MMC) was administered alone or in combination with either Cytosine Arabinoside or Polymixin B (PB) intravesically to urethral-catheterized rabbits, it has generally been observed that only small amounts of MMC migrated into the blood; the serum MMC levels were trace with MMC alone, 0.1μg/ml with MMC+Cytosine Arabinoside and 0.03μg/ml at the highest with MMC+PB.
2. Clinical studies with MMC alone or MMC+Cytosine Arabinoside have shown that 30min. after administration the serum level of MMC did not increase to such an extent as to produce general side effects.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.