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尿道括約筋損傷による尿失禁の手術療法は,緊張性尿失禁(stress incontinence)の手術と異なり,必ずしも成功率は高くない。著者らは異所開口尿管の手術で尿道括約筋を損傷されたために尿失禁となった症例に,大腿筋膜を用いて尿道吊り上げ手術(sling operation)を行ない,好結果をえた1例を経験したので報告する。
A 22 years old woman was seen complaining of urinary incontinence of 13 years' duration. When the patient was 9 years old, she visited a hospital with the complaint of occasional purulent discharge from the vagina and underwent right nephroureterectomy under the diagnosis of right hypoplastic kidney and ectopic opening of right ureter. Since that time she had urinary incontinence. She could pass 100 to 200 ml of urine by micturition, but considerable amount of urine were lost with straining and about 300 ml lost during the night-time.
The urethral meatus was located at the anterior wall of the vagina, 4 cm from the introitus.

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