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臨床上,ほとんど陰茎癌と考えられた症例に数回の生検を施行しても組織学的に悪性所見を得られない例がある。condylomaに似た組織像を呈し,giant condyloma, carcinomalike condyloma,Buschke-Loewenstein Tumor(以下B.L.と略す)と呼ばれているものがこれにあたる。最近われわれはこの腫瘍に属すると考えられる1症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察とあわせて報告する。
A case of Buschke-Loewenstein Tumor (Giant Condyloma, Carcinomalike Condyloma) in a 81 year-old male was reported. Patient noticed a mass at the tip of his penis about 3 months before the first visit. The penis was phimotic with 2 fistulas, discharging fetid pus. The tumor was califlower-like with slight tenderness. Hisopathological findings of the biopsy specimen showed remarkable hyperplasia of the pri-ckle cell layer but the arrangement of basal layer did not show any disorder. Hyperkeratosis was rather remarkable but no atypia was noticed and pearl of the horny layer was present.

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