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前立腺癌は高令者の疾患であり,40歳以下に発生することは,市川(1959)の本邦統計791例中4(0.5%),Tjaden (1965)の4,009例中3(0.075%)にみるごとく稀である。
A case of carcinoma of prostate in twenty three years old male, with chief complaint of symptoms due to bone metastasis, was reported and fourteen cases of such prostatic carcinoma in patients less than fourty year old were collected from the Japanese and foreign literatures and discussed.
Juvenile prostatic carcinoma is not similar to prostatic carcinoma seen in the older age group in next points;
1) Histologically, carcinoma is anaplastic in type.
2) The serum acid phosphatase activity is not elevated.
3) There is no response to antiandrogenic treatment and prognosis is serious.

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