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症例は58歳,男性。2009年1月,膀胱タンポナーデとなり初診。精査にて膀胱癌,T2N1M1,多発性骨転移と診断。Gemcitabine単剤投与(1,000mg/m2)を開始した。3コース目施行中,発熱,咳嗽,炎症反応上昇。CTにて両肺野にスリガラス状陰影。LDH 347IU/l,肺surfactant protein D 285.8ng/ml。間質性肺炎と診断し,ステロイドパルス療法を施行した。
58-year-old man visited our hospital with complain of bladder tamponade. He was diagnosed bladder cancer T2N1M1 with multiple bone metastasis. Chemotherapy with gemcitabine(1,000 mg/m2 on 1,8 and 15 every 4 weeks)was started. At three courses of chemotherapy,fever and respiratory symptoms emerged. Arterial blood gas analysis revealed severe hypoxemia. Chest X-ray and CT showed diffuse bilateral interstitial infiltrates. Steroid pulse therapy with 1,000 mg/day of methylprednisolone was started. His symptoms and radiolographical findings were improved after two weeks.
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