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症例は70歳,男性。左会陰部に有痛性の弾性軟腫瘤を自覚し,受診した。PSAは1,200ng/mlであった。CT,MRIおよび経直腸的前立腺生検による病理組織学的診断にて,会陰部への出血をきたした,多房性囊胞形成を伴った前立腺癌(中分化型腺癌,stage D1)と診断した。内分泌療法開始直後から会陰部への出血は減少し,3か月後PSAは1.3ng/ml,同じく6か月後に前立腺癌と多房性囊胞の大きさは25×50×40mmと正常前立腺サイズとなった。2年を経た現在,外来にて経過観察中である。
A 70-yaer-old-male with a complaint of a left perineal cystic mass with tenderness demonstrated multilocular cystic mass in the pelvis by CT and MRI and a hematoma expanding to the left perineum. Serum PSA was 1,200ng/ml. Transrectal prostate biopsy revealed moderately differentiated prostatic adenocarcinoma pathologically. Definitive diagnosis was prostatic cancer accompanied by multilocular cystic formation with a perineal hematoma. Clinical stage was D1. MAB treatment with bicalutamide and goserelin acetate was initiated. Three months later, serum PSA level and cystic mass size were markedly decreased.

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