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紫色採尿バッグ症候群(purple urine bag syndrome)を認めた14症例について検討を行った。平均年齢は72.1歳で,男女別では女性が11例(78.6%)と多く認められた。便秘を有するものが13例(92.9%)あり,便通異常も原因の1つと考えられた。各種細菌が尿中インジカン存在下で着色現象が起こると考えられているなか,尿中インジカンは10例(71.4%)が陽性であった。陰性例においても着色現象が認められたことから,一部のPUBSには尿中インジカンが関与していない可能性も推測された。
Purple urine bag syndrome(PUBS)first reported in 1978, occurs predominantly in constipated women, chronically catheterized and associated with some bacterial urinary tract infection which produce sulphatase/phosphatase. Chronic constipation is commonly associated with bacterial overgrowth in the bowel, where tryptophan is converted into indole resulting increased urinary indoxyle sulfate(indican). We report here 18 cases with purple urine bag syndrome experienced to February, 2006 from November, 2005. Many factors contributing to PUBS were noted in our cases but 4 cases out of 14 were indican negative, suggesting the existence of various causes other than urinary indole.(Rinsho Hinyokika 61:155-158, 2007)

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