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Makai1)は1928年,1歳半から8歳までの幼少児に,全身症状や圧痛を欠き,躯幹四肢に生じた皮下硬結の4観察例と1920年以後に発表された同様の皮下硬結をきたす疾患例をまとめてLipo-granulomatosis subcutaneaと命名した。しかるに,実はRothman2)がすでに1894年,小児にみられた,全身症状が軽微で皮下に硬結を生じた症例をÜber Entzündung und Atrophiedes subcutanen Fettgewebsと題して報告していた。これらに対してBaumgartnerおよびRiva3)は1945年,Pfeiffer-Weber-Christian syndromeと診断するには根拠の乏しい,病因不明の皮下に生ずる特発性炎症性変化で,ことにそれが可動性であり,熱発その他の全身症状を伴わない場合には,Rothman-Makai syndromeを考慮すべきであると報告して以来,にわかにこの名称が広まったようである。今回,躯幹に対称的に発生したほぼ典型的と思われる本症の1例を経験したので,以下に記載する。
A 21-year-old man having this disease for 4 months' duration was reported. Past history failed to prove trauma, foreign body injection and steroid therapy.
Skin lesions were subcutaneous, elastic, hard, walnut-sized nodules with slight erythema arranged in on arc on the chest and abdomen. They were attached to the skin but movable on to the underlying layer and were free from pain spontaneously or on pressure. Results of laboratory tests were within normal limits.
Histologic specimen showed granulomatous panniculitis with fat necrosis, and an infiltrate composed of lymphocytes, histiocytes, foam cellsand giant cells. An intracutaneous test with staphylococcus toxoid was positive.
The nodules began to disappear 4 weeks after the starting of oral administration of a long-acting sulfonamide and disappeared completely without persistent pigmentation, atrophy and depression. No recurrence was noted.
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