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新生児皮下脂肪壊死症Adiponecrosis subcu-tanea neonatorumは新生児または乳児の皮下に特異な硬結をきたす,比較的稀な疾患である。本症は1875年Cruseが新生児皮膚硬化症から分離して,Sclerema seu scleroderma adultor-umと記載したのに端を発するといわれる1)。Lindlarら2)によれば1966年までに200例以上の報告があるというが,本邦では中川3)(1927年)以来26例の報告をみるに過ぎない。著者は最近,本症の典型例と思われる1例を経験したのでここに報告する。
A one-month-old boy of this disease was reported. Large, indurated plaques were disseminated symmetrically over the buttock, lumbar region, and flexor aspects of thighs. Nodules, from 2 to 5 cm in diameter, were noticed on the right infraauricular region, extensor surfaces of the upper extremities, and flexor aspects of the lower legs. They disappeared 5 months later spontaneously
The boy, who weighed 4,760 gr at birth, was born in asphyxia and had hematoma on the scalp.
Review of 27 reported cases in Japan was performed and the author stressed the importance of external local factor as its ethiology.

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