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Pachydermoperiostosis (以下p.p.と略す)は,idiopathic hypertrophic osteoarthropathyとも呼ばれているが,肺疾患などに続発するsecondary hypertrophic osteoarthropathyなどと長らく混同されていた疾患である。脳回転状皮膚および太鼓撥指さらに骨膜性の骨新生を特徴的症状とする本症は,Friedreich1)の兄弟例の記載(1868年)以来,疾患概念が混沌としていたため,数多くの異なつた名称で呼ばれていたが,1935年,Touraine, Solente et Golé2)は,それまでの症例を再検討し,"un syndrome ostéoder-mopathique: pachydermie plicaturée avecpachypériostose des extrémités"と命名,独立疾患としての地位を確立させた。それゆえ,syndrome de Touraine, Solente et Goléとも称されている。その後,とくにフランスからの報告が相次いで,症例数が増加するに伴ない注目を惹くようになつて来た。名称に関しては,1948年Vague3)の提唱した"pachydermopériostose"が簡潔かつ正確に概念を表わてしいることから,現在一般的に使用されている。
Only six cases of the complete form of this syndrome were reported in the literature in English until 1966.
A 21-year-old man with the complete form was reported. Past history: The patient suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and received a medical treat-ment at 13 years of age. Since then he has had cholecystopathy and orthostatic albuminuria. Present history: In autumn, 1964 he noted thickening of the fingers and toes, and found furrows on the scalp and forehead in April, 1967.
At his first visit on May 31, 1967, he had typical cutis verticis gyrata and clubbed fingers. Laboratory tests: A chest roentgenogram showed nothing contributative, and BMR was -8%. The gonadotropin level in the urine, scrum mineral contents and results of liver function tests were within normal limits. A roentgenogram revealed a thickend skull but the size and figure of the sella trucica were normal. Thickening and elongation of the phalangeal bones of the fingers and toes, especially cauliflower-like proliferations of the distal part of the ungual phalanges were proved. A histologic specimen showed hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands. A mucinous substance which was obtained by biopsy showed negative PAS reaction but positive alcian blue reaction at pH 2.5.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.