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本症に関しては,1908年スイスの耳鼻科教授Siebenmann1)がその綜説"Über Mitbeteiligung der Schleimhaut bei allgemeiner Hyperkeratose der Haut"の中で,Hyperkeratosis cutis universalisと上気道粘膜のKeratosisを来した19歳女子の患者について述べたのが恐らく本症の第1例であろう。その後はEberhartinger u.Niebauer30)およびGrosfeld22)の統計150例に,我々が文献的に渉猟した20例を加えた170例の報告をみる。
An 18-year-old woman has had typical mucocutaneous findings of this disease since childhood. She had no abnormalities at birth, but suffered from pneumonia at the age of one. Since then she has been always having some cutaneous disorders.
The skin over the entire body surface was rough with enlarged follicular openings and small scars indistinguishable from those of variola. There were small yellowish-white papules on the face, especially on the forehead and upper and lower eyelids, verrucous nodules in the cubital and patellar regions and on the dorsa of the hands. Her voice was severely hoarse. The lips, oral mucous membrane, tongue and laryngo-pharyngeal mucous membrane were occupied with firm, uneven, pale-red infiltration.
Her parents and maternal grandparents were cousins respectively.
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