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組織学的に皮膚のピアリン沈着を主病変とする疾患はHyalinosis cutisと総称されるが,ピアリンの概念がきわめて漠然としているためにhyalin-osis cutisの概念も明確なものではない。
われわれは,従来知られているHyalinosis cu-tisとは臨床的にまつたく異なり,全身のpoiki-loderma様臨床症状を呈した皮膚のhyalinosisの1例を経験したので,文献的考察をも加えて以下に報告する。
A casc of this disease with the generalized poikilodermatous manifestation and the histopa-thology of hyalinosis cutis in a 17-year-old man was reported.
At the age of 13 he had a itchy eruption on the back which extended to the face, head, and extremities.
The eruption was distributed symmetrically all over the body surface and composed of ery-thema, telangiectasia, atrophy, pigmentation and depigmentation. The skin of the back and nape was diffusely erythematous and infiltrated.
There were small nodules on the extensor surfaces of the cubital and patellar region. No systemic symptom and findings were proved.
Histologic specimen revealed deposition of hyalin around the blood vessels in the upper and middermis. Histochemical analysis proved the hyalin to he composed of chondroitin sulfate-protein complex. There was calcium deposition in the nodules of the cubital region.
Oral administration of antihistamic and topical application of corticosteroid ointment failed to improve the skin manifestations.
This is the first case of hyalinosis cutis with such a characteristic skin manifestations.
Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.