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従来,疱疹状皮膚炎,疱疹状膿痂疹ないし天疱瘡群の不全型あるいは移行型として報告されていた慢性水疱—膿疱性疾患の一群の症例1)2)3)4)が知られていた。1956年SneddonおよびWilki—nson5)は自験例7例とこれらの報告例を検討してその特異な臨床的,組織学的病像からこれをsubcorneal pustular dermatosis (以下S.P.D.と略す)と命名し,その独立性を主張した。その後報告例があいつぎ海外に約80例,本邦に20例の記載がある。しかしながら諸家が指摘しているように,原著者らの診断基準から逸脱している症例も散見され,本症の分類学上の位置はもとよりその本態の解析を困難にしている。
Three cases of this disease were reported.
Case 1: A 71-year-old man has had discrete or annular, slightly itchy pustular lesions on the trunk and flexor surfaces of extremities for 20 years. Histologic specimen showed Neumann's V-shaped pustule and follicular subcorneal pustule as well as typical subcorneal pustule.
Case 2: A 52-year-old woman has had discrete or annularly grouped pustular lesions on the trunk, inguinal and axillar region for 30 years. These nodules showed itching occasionaly.
Histologic specimen showed typical subcorneal pustule and there were findings in some parts suggesting Kogoj's pustule.
Case 3: A 58-year-old woman has had intermittent attacks of pustular eruption on the trunk, axilla, and thigh. They were partly discrete or annular.
Histologic findings were subcorneal pustules. Laboratory tests revealed increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate in all cases. Sulfamethoxypyridazin and steroid showed successful therapeutic effect.

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