

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


DESMOID TUMOR OF THE ABDOMINAL WALL Masamichi KIMURA 1 , Hofu MIKAMI 1 , Masahiro KURODA 1 , Yukirou NAKAUCHI 2 1Department of Pathology, Hirosaki University School of Medine 2Kanagi Municipal Hospital pp.1007-1013
Published Date 1968/9/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1412200404
  • Abstract
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The reported cases of desmoid tumor in Japan are rare. Its histologic characteristics are degeneration and atrophy of muscular tissue within a fibrous tumor. As a pathogenesis of this tumor trauma theory of overstretching of the abdominal wall by pregnancy is the most probable.

A case of this tumor in the abdominal rectus muscle in a 42-year-old woman who had 2 pregnancies was reported. Histologic picture was complicated and showed fibromatous, myxo-matous hyalinosis and invasion of the tumor into the fat tissue. There was no severe necrosis and inflammatory infiltration was slight. Moderate chronic inflammatory infiltrates were found in the peripheral areas of invasion and mast cells were disseminated throughout the tumor or aggregated around the vessels. There was some atypicality of the tumor cells but no mitotic figure. The fibrous tissue showed strong positive reaction by PAS stain, but almost negative in metachromasia by toluidine-blue stain. Fibers which stain red by van Gieson's stain, blue by azan stain, and brown by argyrophilic stain, were running irregularly in form of bundles, nets or waves. There were no elastic fibers in the center of the tumor, but debris of the de-generated fibers could be seen in some peripheral regions.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1324 印刷版ISSN 0021-4973 医学書院


