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いわゆるGranuloma teleangiectaticumは旧くから,別名Botryomykose, Granulomapyogenicum等の名を以て広く知られ,最近では池田ら1),小林2)の詳細な綜説がある。その病因論,組織像,それに関係する歴史的考察に関しては興味深いものがあるが,これら論文中に詳しく記載されているのでここでは割愛し,従来特に触れられることの少なかつた本症の放射線療法についていささか言及してみたい。
The treatment of granuloma teleangiectaticum is performed quite successfully with Der-mopan. With use of step Ⅱ, the irradiation may be given every day or three times a week and a total of 1800r in 300r doses would be effective
Although so-called granuloma teleangiectaticum, of which nature is hemangioma with secondary inflammatory granuloma, has been be treated by a simple surgical excision, there are some cases in which the surgical procedure can not be used because of the site of the lesion or the inconvenience for the patient. In such cases, the sof tx-ray therapy would be very useful.
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