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破傷風は,不潔な傷から体内に侵入した破傷風菌Clostridium telaniが外毒素tetanospasminを放出し,横紋筋の痙攣を生じる致死率の高い疾患である1)。外傷の既往と全身の痙攣症状が認められれば診断は容易であるが,外傷を伴わない場合や部分的な症状のみ生じる場合もあり,この際に診断をつけることは難しい2,3)。一方,近年の症例数激減4)に伴い,破傷風に関する経験や情報を得る機会は極端に減っている。
A 77-year-old man was complaining of swallow-ing difficulty and speech disturbance, stiffness in the neck and lower extremities for three days.
He had teeth extraction six days before withouttaking antibiotics. On the initial examination, no respiratory disturbance and loss of consciousness and vocal cord rigidity were found.
The laboratory test revealed leukocytosis with neutrophilia, CRP and CPK elevation. The image findings denied any head and neck phlegmon or abscess.
A spinal tap showed no evidence of meningitis.
In consideration with clinical features and a neurosurgen's opinion, he was diagnosed as tetanus, and was transferred to the intensive care unit.

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