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頸部郭清術はさまざまな頭頸部癌に対する外科的治療のなかで,重要な役割を果たしている。一方で,頸部郭清術では術後の合併症として血腫,神経障害,リンパ漏,乳び漏などが知られており,その発症が患者の術後のquality of life(QOL)に大きく関与する。しかしながら頸部郭清術全般に対して,合併症の危険因子を検討した報告はそれほど多くない。
We analyzed the risk factors associated with postoperative complications in neck dissection cases that we encountered in the last 3 years. We performed dissections on 80 sides of the neck in 70 patients. The probability and risk factors of postoperative complications were retrospectively analyzed. Hematoma was observed in 6.3% patients, neuropathy in 2.5%, and lymphatic/chyle leakage in 7.5%. In cases of thyroid cancer, the probability of complications was high on 9 of the 26 sides(p=0.004). In addition, the probability of complications was high on 6 of 17 sides in cases with lymph node metastasis in the lower neck(p=0.027. In such cases, intraoperative and postoperative management should be considered carefully.
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