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舌根部に生じる骨性病変は比較的稀である。舌に発生した骨または軟骨性病変は,1913年にMonserrat1)がOsteotomaとして報告したのが最初とされる。その後,1971年にKrollsら2)が,本病変を骨性分離腫(osseous choristoma)と称することを提唱した。
Osseous choristoma is a rare benign lesion characterized by ectopic bone formation in the soft tissue of the head and neck region. We report two cases of osseous choristoma occurring at the base of the tongue.
Case 1 is a 25-year-old female who experienced discomfort in the throat and accidentally found the lesion herself. A hard mass approximately 10 mm in diameter was present at the base of the tongue.
Case 2 is a 38-year-old male who experienced throat discomfort and accidentally detected the lesion himself.
The masses were excised under general anesthesia in both cases and were diagnosed histopathologically as osseous choristoma. Our literature review presented 39 cases of osseous choristoma, including our presenting case reports in Japan and abroad since 2001.

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