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中心窩下に滲出性病変が及ぶポリープ状脈絡膜血管症(polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy)18例18眼にレーザー光凝固を行った。平均年齢は71歳(55〜83歳),凝固後の平均観察期間は21.5か月(8〜57か月)であった。異常血管網とポリープ状拡張血管がともに中心窩外にある2眼では全体を凝固した。中心窩下に異常血管網がある11眼ではポリープ状拡張血管を凝固した。中心窩下にポリープ状拡張血管がある5眼では,流入血管を凝固した。LogMAR視力は,0.2以上の改善が7眼,不変が8眼,悪化が3眼であり,視力転帰はほぼ良好であった。凝固方法の違いによる視力への影響は明らかでなかった。
We treated 18 eyes of 18 patients by laser photocoagulation. All the eyes had polypoidal choroidal vasculo-pathy with exudative lesions involving the fovea. The ages of patients ranged from 55 to 83 years, average 71 years. They were followed up for 8 to 57 months, average 21.5 months. In 2 eyes, photocoagulation was applied to both the ab-normal vascular network and polypoidal lesions when located extrafoveally. In 11 eyes, photocoagulation was applied to the polypoidal lesions only when abnormal vessels were located subfoveally. In 5 eyes, the feeding vessels only were coagulated when polypoidal vessels were located subfoveally. The logMAR visual acuity improved by 2 lines or more in 7 eyes, remained unchanged in 8, and deteriorated in 3. The visual outcome was independent of the method of photocoagulation.

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