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A 40-year-old woman was referred to us due to visual impairment in her right eye. We detected angioid streaks and submacular neovascular lesions in both eyes. She had a history of allergy to fluores-cein sodium during skin test 3 years before. Prelimi-nary to fluorescein fundus angiography, we perfor-med intradermal skin testing with 1% fluorescein solution. Marked positive reaction developed as shefelt uncomfortable 15 minutes after skin test and had to lie in bed for 30 minutes. She was then administered 30 mg prednisolone daily for 1 week, after which fluorescein angiography was attempted in the operating room under surveillance by anesth-esiologists. We injected 5ml of 10% fluorescein sodium into the antecubital vein within 5 seconds. Just 2 minutes later, she lost consciousness with decrease in blood pressure but recovered complete-ly. This case illustrates the value of fluorescein skin test in predicting the risk of fluorescein angiogra-phy.

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