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A 9-year-old girl presented with visual impairment in her right eye since one week before. Her corrected visual acuity was 0.3 right and 1.2 left. Her right eye showed slightly elevated yellowish lesion white irregular borders of 4 disc diameters across extending from the disc margin to the macula. Chorioreti-nal atrophy and subretinal hemorrhage were presented in the lesion. She was diagnosed with longstanding choroidal osteoma. The impaired visual acuity appeared to be secondary to subretinal hemorrhage. The right eye showed enlarged excavation of the disc, apparently secondary to choroidal osteoma. Her left eye was in-tact. She had a history of left hemiplegia at the age of one year. She had been diagnosed with moyamoya dis-ease, or spontaneous occlusion of circle of Willis. The association of choroidal osteoma and moyamoya disease was interpreted as a chance occurrence.

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