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(17-P2-2) 64歳男性の片眼に,軽度のぶどう膜炎と脈絡膜骨腫と思われる後極部病変が生じた。ぶどう膜炎の病因は経気管支肺生検を含む全身検索にもかかわらず,確定できなかった。脈絡膜骨腫は初診時から5×5乳頭径と比較的大きかったため,ぶどう膜炎との関連は明らかではないが,3年半の経過中にもまだ拡大傾向があり,網脈絡膜萎縮巣がないことから,発症機転として炎症に続発した後天性の腫瘍であると推定された。
We detected choroidal osteoma in the posterior fundus associated with mild uveitis in the right eye of a 64-year-old male. The etiology of uveitis could not be detected in spite of systemic examinations including transbronchial lung biopsy. Because the choroidal osteoma was relatively large at the first examination, it was unclear that this tumor had developed in relation to the uveitis or not. However, we speculate that the possible origin of this tumor is not a choristoma but an acquired tumor connected with some inflammation, since this tumor is still developing now without any chorioretinal atrophy despite the patient's advanced age.

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