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(P3-1-9) 68歳の男性が左眼の網膜剥離手術を受けた。術式は,網膜下液排液,網膜冷凍凝固,輪状締結術であった。その6か月後に交感性眼炎が両眼に発症し,全身ステロイド薬投与などで5か月後に消炎した。10年後の現在,起交感眼は緑内障のために光覚弁,被交感眼は視力0.7であり,脈絡膜に広範な脱色素がある。HLAは,A11,DR4が陽性である。発症から10年後に行ったインドシアニングリーン螢光造影で,脈絡膜血管からの色素漏出と斑状低螢光が観察された。この所見は,遷延した交感性眼炎では,不可逆的な脈絡膜の循環障害が生じる可能性があることを示している。なお,順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂浦安病院での術後の交感性眼炎の発症は,手術総数8,970眼中2眼(0.02%),経強膜網膜剥離手術894眼中1眼(0.11%)であった。
A 68-year-old male underwent retinal detachment surgery in his left eye with drainage of subretinal fluid, retinal cryopexy and scleral encircling. Sympathetic ophthalmia developed 6 months later. It subsided after 5 months of treatment with systemic corticosteroid. He was followed up for 10 years until present. Currently, his visual acuity is light perception left and 0.7 right. The left eye has glaucomatous optic atrophy. Both eyes showes extensive depigmentation in the choroid. He was positive for HLA All and DR4. Indocyanine green angiography, performed 10 years after onset, showed dye leakage from choroidal vessels and patchy hypofluorescence. These features seemed to show that irreversible circulatory disturbance in the choroid may develop in eyes with protracted sympathetic ophthalmia. The incidence of postoperative sympathetic ophthalmia in our hospital was 2 out of 8,970 cases (0.02%) in general and 1 case out of 894 cases (0.11%) of transscleral retinal detachment surgery.

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