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1993年までの40か月間にエキシマレーザー近視矯正角膜切除術(PRK)を181眼に行い,うち5年以上経過が観察できた54眼を検討した。PRKは,Exci-Med UV-200LAで行った。術後1年から5年目の屈折変化は,6D以上の矯正群ではそれ以下の群よりも大きかった。裸眼視力は,6D未満の矯正群では術後1年以内に安定し,6D以上の矯正群では術後2年以後でも安定しなかった。矯正精度は,6D以下の群が6D以上の群よりもよかった。全例を通じて,術後の遠視化,角膜の菲薄化,角膜内皮障害,重篤な角膜上皮下混濁はなかった。
We performed excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) on 181 eyes during 40 months through 1993, of which 54 eyes could be followed up for 5 years or longer. We used Exci-Med UV-200LA by Summit Technology for PRK. Changes in refraction during the first to fifth year was greater in eyes corrected by 6 diopters (D) or greater than in eyes receiving lesser correction. The unaided visual acuity had stabilized within one year after PRK in eyes corrected by less than 6 D, while it remained unstabilized for 2 years or longer in eyes corrected by 6D or greater. Eyes corrected by less than 6D showed better predictability than the rest. There was no instance of hyperoptic shift, corneal thinning, endothelial cell damage or severe corneal haze.

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