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過去12年間に和歌山県立医科大学眼科で治療された,眼窩および眼球付属器のB細胞性悪性リンパ腫の9症例を報告した。全例とも非ホジキンリンパ腫,8例は眼窩原発性で初診時stage I,残り1例は不明であった。3例は,経過中にstage IIに進展した。分類別にみると,3例はmucosa associatedlymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma,2例はlarge cell lymphoma,1例はsmall lymphocytic lymphomal1例はmantle zone lymphoma,1例はintermediate lymphocytic lymphoma (ILL),1例はlymphop-lasmacytomaであった。
A clinicopathological review was made on nine cases of B cell malignant lymphoma of the ocular adnexa during the foregoing 12-year period. All cases were non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Eight cases were primary and in stage I . Three cases were in stage II. No detail was known in one case. Histopathologically, there were 3 cases of MALT lymphoma, 2 cases of large cell lymphoma, and one case each of small lymphocytic lymphoma, lymphoplasmacytoma and intermediate lymphocytic lymphoma (ILL) . Three cases were treated by radiation followed by recurrence in 2 cases. Three cases were treated by chemotherapy followed by recurrence in 1 case. One case was treated by systemic corticosteroid. Three cases were not treated. The findings suggest that malignant lymphoma of the ocular adnexa has a tendency to slowly develop and that complete cure is difficult.
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