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19歳女性が左眼の有痛性異物感を自覚した。アレルギー性結膜炎として治療を受けたが改善しなかった。8か月後に左眼から虫体が排出され,その翌日飯塚病院眼科を受診した。右眼には異常がなく,左眼の瞼結膜に充血と濾胞形成があった。受診した夕方にさらに1匹の虫体が排出された。その後結膜炎は寛解した。2匹目の虫体は,東洋眼虫Thelazia callipaedaの雄の成虫と同定された。
A 19-year-old female had noted painful foreign body sensation in the left eye 8 months before. No improvement had set in during treatment for allergic conjunctivitis. A white worm was discharged after rubbing her left eye. She was referred to us the next day. Her right eye was uneventful. The left eye showed hyperemia and follicle formation in the palpebral conjunctiva. Another worm was discharged from the affected eye the same evening. Signs of conjunctival irritation disappeared spontaneously thereafter. The second worm was identified as a male imago of Thelazia callipaeda.

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