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(24M-4) ステージ1b黄斑円孔36例36眼に対して硝子体手術を行った。黄色輪内部の網膜萎縮が軽度な21眼(黄斑円孔の僚眼を11眼含む)には後部硝子体剥離手術を,萎縮の強い15眼(黄斑円孔の僚眼を7眼含む)には後部硝子体剥離手術と,残存後部硝子体膜の掻爬およびガスタンポナーデを行った。術後12か月までに黄斑円孔を生じた例はなく.全例,視力は術前と同じか改善しており,0.7以上であった。
Prophylactic vitreous surgery was performed on 36 eyes of 36 patients with stage 1b macular holes. Posterior vitreous detachment was done as the sole procedure for 21 eyes with minimally atrophic macular retina. The other 15 eyes with moderately or markedly atrophic macular retina were treated by posterior vitreous detachment, brushing off of residual posterior vitreous membrane around the hole and gas tamponade. No eye in the series developed macular hole during the 12 months after surgery. Postoperative visual acuities were 0.7 or better in all the eyes and were better than or identical with the preoperative values.

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