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涙腺と下眼瞼にそれぞれ発生したmucoepidermoid carcinomaの2例を経験した。症例1は右涙腺部の腫瘤で全摘出術を行った。症例2は4年前からの左下眼瞼の眼瞼結膜腫瘤で,2mmの健常部をつけて切除した。2症例ともに病理組織学的に扁平上皮様細胞と粘液産生細胞が胞巣状に増殖し,間質が発達した腫瘍で,粘液産生細胞と嚢状に拡張した腔内の粘液がPAS, PAS—アルシアンブルー染色で陽性に染色され,mucoepidermoid carcinomaと診断された。2例とも経過良好で現在のところ再発,転移を認めていない。
We treated mucoepidermoid carcinoma of ocular adnexa in two patients, a 75-year-old female and 44-year-old male. The tumor was located in the right lacrimal gland in the first case and at the palpebral mucocutaneous junction of left lower eyelid in the other. The tumor was excised in toto in the first case and excised with a safety margin of 2 mm in the second. Histopathologically, tumor cells showed alveolar pattern of proliferation with well-developed stroma. They consisted of epidermoid cells and mucus-secreting cells with foamy cytoplasm. Histochemical stains with PAS and PAS-alcian blue showed mucus-producing cellsand mucus material within the cysts. There have been no recurrences for 65 and 27 months respectively after excision of the tumor.

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