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要約 目的:老視矯正の方法の1つであるモノビジョン(MV)法の効果を評価するため,レンティス コンフォート®(LC)を用いたMV法と多焦点眼内レンズ(IOL)アルコンTM アクリソフTM IQ PanOptixTMの比較検討を行った。
対象と方法:2023年3〜4月に静岡赤十字病院で白内障治療を受けた症例のなかから,MV法またはアルコンTM アクリソフTM IQ PanOptixTMのいずれかを希望された症例で,術後1か月まで経過を追うことができた症例を対象とした。LCを両眼に挿入した15例30眼(LMV群)と,アルコンTM アクリソフTM IQ PanOptixTMを両眼に挿入した10例20眼(PO群)の視力(500cm,70cm,40cm),立体視,コントラスト感度,眼鏡装用率を比較検討した。
Abstract Purpose:To evaluate the effectiveness of the Mono Vision(MV)method, one of the methods for presbyopia correction. For this purpose, a comparative study was conducted using the LENTIS® Comfort(LC)for the MV method and the multifocal IOL AcrySofTM IQ PanOptixTM.
Subjects and Methods:From the cases that received cataract surgery at Shizuoka Red Cross Hospital from March to April 2023, those who agreed to the MV method were selected. We compared visual acuity(at 500 cm, 70 cm, and 40 cm), stereopsis, contrast sensitivity, and the rate of spectacle wear between patients who received LC in both eyes for monovision(15 cases, 30 eyes;LMV group)and those who received AcrySofTM IQ PanOptixTM in both eyes(10 cases, 20 eyes;PO group)
Results:There was no significant difference in binocular uncorrected visual acuity(at 500 cm, 70 cm, and 40 cm)between the LMV and PO groups, with both groups achieving satisfactory visual function. The LMV group exhibited higher contrast sensitivity, while the PO group showed superior stereopsis at 30 cm, indicating significant differences in these aspects. The necessity for postoperative spectacle wear was observed in one case in the LMV group and two cases in the PO group, with no significant difference between the two groups.
Conclusion:The study demonstrates that monovision with LC is comparable to the PO group in terms of postoperative visual function. Monovision using LC has the potential to achieve superior contrast sensitivity and good visual acuity from distance to near, warranting further evaluation in future research.

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